
Ecological parameter:  fish region (fiBS)

Parameter group: region related parameters

With the help of the fish region index concept developed in Austria by Schmutz et al. (2000), fish species occurring in running waters are characterised regarding their natural preferences for the different stream zonation regions from the epirhithral to the hypopotamal (Illies, 1961).
Schmutz, S., Kaufmann, M., Vogel, B. & Jungwirth, M. (2000): Methodische Grundlagen und Beispiele zur Bewertung der fischökologischen Funktionsfähigkeit österreichischer Fließgewässer. Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien: 210 S.
Illies, J. (1961): Versuch einer allgemeinen biozönotischen Gliederung der Fließgewässer. Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. 46 (2): 205-213.

Category nameAbbreviationExplanation
epirhithralerupper-trout region
metarhithralmrlower-trout region
hyporhithralhrgrayling region
epipotamalepbarbel region
metapotamalmpbream region
hypopotamalhpbrackish water region
FRIFRIspecies-specific fish region index
S2-FRIS2-FRIspecies-specific fish region variance
Assigned taxa for each higher systematic unit
TaxagroupNumber of assigned taxa / total number of taxa - percentage
Acipenseriformes1 / 13 - 7.6%
Anguilliformes1 / 1 - 100%
Clupeiformes2 / 18 - 11.1%
Cypriniformes36 / 313 - 11.5%
Esociformes1 / 3 - 33.3%
Gadiformes1 / 1 - 100%
Gasterosteiformes2 / 9 - 22.2%
Perciformes8 / 94 - 8.5%
Petromyzontiformes4 / 13 - 30.7%
Pleuronectiformes1 / 3 - 33.3%
Salmoniformes10 / 125 - 8%
Scorpaeniformes1 / 16 - 6.2%
Siluriformes1 / 7 - 14.2%