
Ecological parameter:  aquaticity

Parameter group: habitat related parameters

The Aquaticity-score is a measure to which degree a species depends on an aquatic environment. Eight classes are defined. 1 stands for plants which are exclusively aquatic. Higher values describe plants less dependent on water. The category 8 describes species of brackish/salty marsh waters.

Chauvin, C. (2007): In: Birk, S., Willby, N., Chauvin, C., Coops, H.C., Denys, L., Galoux, D., Kolada, A., Pall, K., Pardo, I., Pot, R. & Stelzer, D. (2007): Report on the Central Baltic River GIG Macrophyte Intercalibration Exercise, 82 pp.

Classification system: score

Category nameAbbreviationExplanation
11exclusively aquatic species
22aquatic species, amphibious, developing terrestrial forms
33supraaquatic moss
44amphiphyte or helophyte, erect shoot, submerged basis
55hygrophileous species, at least at the basis temporarily submerged
66herbaceous riparian-, forest- grassland- or ruderal-plant, can be found occassionally (during flood events) growing in the water
77ligneous riparian species, tolerant to temporary flooding
88species living in brackish water
Assigned taxa for each higher systematic unit
TaxagroupNumber of assigned taxa / total number of taxa - percentage