
Ecological parameter:  reproduction

Parameter group: life & body related parameters

The parameter describes the mode of reproduction and the form and location of oviposited clutches.

Classification system: presence/absence assignment system

Category nameAbbreviationExplanation
ovoviviparovoeggs remain within the mother's body until they hatch
free isolated eggsfieseparate eggs are laid down in the water freely
cemented isolated eggscieseparate eggs are laid down and fixed
fixed clutchesficgroups of eggs are laid down and fixed
free clutchesfrcgroups of eggs are laid down in the water freely
clutches in vegetationvecgroups of eggs are laid down in the vegetation
terrestrial clutchestecgroups of eggs are laid down in the riparian zone
asexualasereproduction without fertilisation
parasiticpasreproduction within a host
Assigned taxa for each higher systematic unit
TaxagroupNumber of assigned taxa / total number of taxa - percentage
Ephemeroptera48 / 353 - 13.5%
Plecoptera36 / 576 - 6.2%
Trichoptera135 / 1439 - 9.3%