
Ecological parameter:  dispersal strategy

Parameter group: life & body related parameters

The parameter describes the practice of dissemination of a species. Four categories are defined.

Classification system: presence/absence assignment system

Category nameAbbreviationExplanation
aquatic passiveaqpspread passive in water (e.g. drift)
aquatic activeaqaspread active in water (e.g. swimming)
aerial passiveaepspread passive via air (e.g. through wind or animals)
aerial activeaeaspread actively via air (e.g. activelyy flying)
Assigned taxa for each higher systematic unit
TaxagroupNumber of assigned taxa / total number of taxa - percentage
Ephemeroptera7 / 353 - 1.9%
Odonata166 / 174 - 95.4%
Plecoptera2 / 576 - 0.3%
Trichoptera37 / 1439 - 2.5%